Lawyer Rainer Polzin

Rainer Polzin

Your specialist lawyer for labor law in Berlin

My legal office in Berlin has specialized in the field of employment law. I advise both employees and employers in the ending of employment relationships through notice, termination agreement or limitation as well as in negotiating severance payments. I also work on cases where a remuneration claim such as a wage or salary, a special payment or a bonus has not been paid. My clients come from all over Germany. I work regularly at the labor court in Berlin, the Brandenburg labor courts and the regional labor court in Berlin-Brandenburg.

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Focus on labor law

Protection against dismissal

Legal advice on all aspects of terminating the employment contract, protection against dismissal, termination for operational reasons and more.

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Termination Agreement

Legal representation in connection with the termination agreement and the risks of a termination agreement for employees and employers.

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Fixed term contracts

Advice from a specialist lawyer on all questions relating fixed term contracts, the right to limitation or a limitation without objective reason.

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Legal regulations relating severance pay: When are you entitled to severance pay as an employee? What should be considered when negotiating severance pay?

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Other legal areas

Trademark law

Legal advice on all questions of trademark law: protection of your trademark or your logo, registration of your trademark at the trademark and patent office.

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Seminars for works councils and staff councils, individual in-house training courses on works constitution law with a choice of topics.

Contact and Office Hours


Bluecherplatz 2
10961 Berlin, Germany
+49 30 25 89 87 34

Office hours:

Monday – Friday from 9.00am – 7.00pm
You will usually receive an appointment for the next day. If you wish, you can also be advised by telephone. Contact me.

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